A teratoma, despite being a benign tumor normally, can provide rise to serious symptoms, resembling urinary incontinence or constipation. What is that this tumor? Here we’ll explain it to you.
Teratoma is a variety of tumor that develops from pluripotent stem cells. The term comes from the Greek, where teratos means ‘monster’ and the suffix -oma, ‘tumor’. In other words, it literally means monstrous tumor.
The rationale they were so named is because they’ve an odd appearance. They can contain hair, teeth, muscle, and bone, amongst other tissues. Pluripotent stem cells are those that can provide rise to all sorts of cells and tissues, and because of this these structures can develop.
Nevertheless, most tumors of this sort are benign. Nevertheless, they’ll sometimes result in complications attributable to their size or location. In rare cases they change into malignant. Below, we’ll let you know intimately what their important characteristics are and the way they’re treated.
What’s a teratoma?
A teratoma is a variety of tumor. They’re congenital, which suggests they’re present from birth. As explained in a publication by the National Cancer Institute, it’s a tumor that forms from germ cells.
Specifically, from pluripotent stem cells. Because of this cells from all of the germ layers of the embryo can develop inside them. Subsequently, they often consist of several types of tissue. For instance, hair, teeth, bone or cartilage.
Teratomas are likely to be positioned within the ovaries of ladies or within the testicles of men. Nevertheless, they may appear within the central nervous system, the thorax, the abdomen, and even within the coccygeal bone.
Most of them are benign, and don’t produce distant metastases. Nevertheless, some can still be malignant and will spread or grow aggressively to wreck surrounding tissues.
Kinds of teratoma
Teratomas could be classified into differing types. Most frequently they’re distinguished based on whether or not they’re benign or malignant. They will also be classified based on their location. We explain this in the next sections.
Mature or benign teratoma
A mature or benign teratoma is one which is formed by mature cells, because the name suggests. They grow slowly, although they’ll reach a big size. A lot in order that, although their average size ranges between 5 and 15 centimeters (2 to six inches), they’ll even reach 45 centimeters (18 inches).
Probably the most frequent ones are positioned within the ovary. To be more precise, in the correct ovary. Nevertheless, they will also be positioned within the skull, the mediastinum, and the sacrococcygeal region, amongst others.
When it occurs within the ovary, it’s called a ‘dermoid cyst’. It’s often diagnosed in women of childbearing age and is probably the most frequent ovarian tumors. Despite its benign nature, it could possibly result in complications if the lady becomes pregnant.
Immature or malignant teratoma
The immature or malignant teratoma, contrary to the previous one, is potentially cancerous. Fortunately, its incidence is far lower. It often occurs in young people; within the case of men, it’s detected between the ages of 20 and 40.
Women often develop it before the age of 20. It’s made up of immature and atypical cells. Depending on the degree of atypia and the extent of the tumor, it could possibly be classified into different degrees of severity.
Other characteristics are as follows:
- It’s solid.
- Inside there are often foci of necrosis (i.e. dead cells).
- It has immature tissues, resembling connective tissue and even brain tissue.
The prognosis of the sort of tumor is very variable. It might require aggressive treatment, resembling the removal of the ovary or testicle.
Teratomas based on their location
Depending on where the teratoma develops, the name given to it would vary. Probably the most frequent are sacrococcygeal and ovarian teratomas. Sacrococcygeal teratomas can, in turn, appear in two alternative ways.
Most frequently they’re large, benign tumors. They have an inclination to protrude from the sacral bone area. For that reason, it’s common for them to be detected while pregnant by ultrasound. If not, then they’re easy to see after giving birth.
The opposite variety of sacrococcygeal pattern is a small tumor, positioned in front of the sacrum. This sort causes the newborn’s buttocks to feel somewhat asymmetrical. If left untreated, because it grows it could cause damage to the kid’s bladder or bowel.
Meanwhile, ovarian teratomas – as we noted within the previous section – are often benign. Most are detected when carrying out tests for other conditions, as they’re often asymptomatic.
Symptoms of a teratoma
The symptoms of teratomas are highly variable. They depend mainly on the placement and size of the tumor. As well as, within the case of youngsters, the interpretation of the symptoms or the way in which they’re expressed is different for every child.
In some cases, it’s possible for the tumor to be felt and even sensed through the skin. When it’s positioned near the sacral bone, it’s common for the mass to press on the bowel or bladder.
It’s, due to this fact, common to seek out constipation, urinary incontinence, or alterations within the strength of the extremities. Nevertheless, we must emphasize once more that many cases are asymptomatic.
It needs to be noted that they cause certain analytical alterations. As they’re germ cell tumors, hormones typical of immature tissues could also be high. For instance, there are often high levels of alpha-fetoprotein or human chorionic gonadotropin.
What could cause them?
Teratoma is a tumor that develops from germ cells. These cells are those that give rise to the tissues that make up the reproductive system. They’re often positioned within the gonads, that’s, within the ovaries within the case of females, and within the testicles in males.
Nevertheless, a small percentage can occur outside these organs. For this reason, it’s possible for them to have an extragonadal location. The precise mechanism by which they develop isn’t known. Some scientists consider that certain germ cells by chance migrate to other parts of the body.
Normally, these cells die. Nevertheless, within the case of teratomas, this mechanism fails, as explained in a publication by the National Organization for Rare Disorders. These cells proceed to divide, giving rise to the tumor.
In the particular case of sacrococcygeal teratomas, they seem to arise from a specific area below the coccyx. That is the so-called ‘Henson’s node’, an area where germ cells are prevalent.
Although the precise explanation for teratomas isn’t known, they’re often related to other hereditary defects. For instance, anomalies of the urinary system, the lower spine, or defects of the central nervous system.
How are teratomas diagnosed and treated?
The diagnosis of teratomas could be made in alternative ways. As we have now mentioned, sometimes a mass is observed or palpated which raises suspicion. Even, in some cases, prenatal ultrasound is sufficient. Nevertheless, other complementary tests are often required to verify the diagnosis.
One of the crucial commonly used is a blood test. Imaging tests, resembling magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography, are particularly useful. Radiography will also be helpful. Nevertheless, confirmation is made by biopsy.
Treatment of teratoma also varies depending on the symptoms and the variety of tumor. If the tumor is benign, but affects neighboring organs, it often requires surgical removal.
Within the case of a malignant teratoma, along with surgery, other more aggressive treatments are needed. For instance, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Hemotherapy, which interferes with the cancer cells’ ability to grow, will also be used.
Care and proposals
Teratomas require special care and treatment after they’re detected in a toddler. Follow-up visits are often performed every six months or yearly. The goal is to detect early if recurrences or any complications of the tumor occur.
At these visits, the kid will probably should undergo a radical physical examination. Imaging tests and blood tests are also often ordered to search for any abnormalities.
What to recollect
A teratoma is a tumor made up of germ cells. These are cells that can provide rise to any variety of tissue. Most are benign, but they aren’t exempt from causing complications. Hence, it’s essential to make an early diagnosis and a radical follow-up of every case.